Planning application for stone curlew breeding plot


25 Jan 2024

We’ve submitted a planning application to Wiltshire Council to create a replacement stone curlew breeding plot.

Planning application for stone curlew breeding plot

The stone curlew is a species of bird that is specially protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the EU Birds Directive. We found stone curlews breeding in the area as part of our environmental surveys, so because it’s protected we need to make special provision for them as part of our work on the scheme.

This is just part of our commitment to minimising our impact on the environment and improving biodiversity where we can. We’ll also be:

  • reinstating a rural landscape of gentle rolling chalk downland
  • allowing wildlife to move freely above the tunnel and across green bridges
  • creating new chalk grassland and enhance biodiversity

We assessed the scheme’s impact on stone curlew and reported this in the Environmental Statement that accompanied our Development Consent Order (DCO) submission.  Our DCO was granted earlier this year and Requirement 12 of the DCO secures the replacement stone curlew breeding plots (similar to a planning condition).

The new breeding plot needs its own planning permission because it’s outside the scheme boundary. The site has been carefully chosen in collaboration with environmental organisations as the most suitable site for successful stone curlew breeding. 

To create the new breeding plot, we’ll remove the turf to create a ‘land scrape’. This will expose the chalk underneath, providing the best type of habitat for stone curlews. The land scrape will be 1 hectare, surrounded by a 20 metre grass verge, plus fencing to protect the birds from predators.  

View the planning application.
