Advice for authorities

How police and structure authorities can use the ESDAL system.

Vehicle or load movements that exceed standard dimensions are called “abnormal loads”.

Hauliers must:

  • notify the police of their intention to move abnormal loads
  • alert the owners of any bridges and structures that cross, or are crossed by, the route they plan to use.

If you are:

  • an abnormal loads police officer
  • the owner of a bridge or structure on or adjacent to National Highways network

you can use National Highways' free Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads (ESDAL) online system to:

  • quickly and easily manage and make decisions on incoming notifications
  • be aware of abnormal load movements in your area
  • see maps of proposed routes
  • identify potential ‘problem structures’ on a route
  • add constraint information - advising hauliers of restrictions that may affect abnormal load movement
  • collaborate online with hauliers and give them feedback on their notifications

Structure owners

Each member of your company that is going to be using ESDAL must register with the service. You should allow 2 to 3 working days for your application to be processed.

Register for ESDAL online

The ESDAL team maintains details of individual structures that cross or are crossed by the road network. If you own a structure it is crucial that you also let us know of any changes to your structure data or contact information to ensure the right notifications go to the right people.

You'll find contact details for the ESDAL Helpdesk at the bottom of this page.

Movement of Abnormal Loads through planned roadworks

This guidance document is primarily intended for National Highways network occupancy teams. In 'asset delivery' areas this work is completed by National Highways staff. In other areas the work is completed by service providers on behalf of National Highways. It is also intended for police traffic management teams.

This document is intended to reduce the frequency and severity of conflicts between abnormal loads and roadworks by highlighting the responsibilities of National Highways, its service providers, the police and the haulage industry.

It gives details of tools to manage Abnormal Indivisible Loads (AILs) through roadworks without conflict and what to do if conflict occurs.

Movement of Abnormal Loads through planned roadworks


If you are police officer or employee that needs to use ESDAL, you must register with the service.

It will take 2 to 3 working days to process your application.

Register as an ESDAL police user

Contact us

ESDAL enquiries

ESDAL Helpdesk:

Telephone: 0300 470 3733.

Lines are open from 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.


Postal address:

ESDAL Helpdesk
National Highways
Great North House
20 Allington Way

Abnormal loads enquiries

Abnormal Loads Team:

Tel: 0300 470 3004

Lines are open from 8am – 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.

Email:  abnormal.loads@nationalhighways

Postal address:

Abnormal Loads Team
National Highways
9th Floor, The Cube
199 Wharfside Street
B1 1RN
